Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Texas Virtual Academy

Well, it seems that it is definitely time to change the title of this blog site. Now that J is part of the Texas Virtual Academy (TXVA) powered by K-12 Online, her days are filled with meaningful and efficient assignments. I must admit that it's not NEARLY as fun and as engaging as our own Integrated Project-Based Homeschool Approach. But after nearing the end of our first major "project," I found myself wondering, "What's next?" That's when we received the call at the end of January informing us that J was off of their waitlist and could join their program, which includes field trips, on-line clubs with live virtual meetings, and live on-line math and language arts lessons each week.

I was also concerned about the gaps that could occur in various subjects as we pursued J's interest-based learning program. It turns out that much of what she is doing with TXVA is quite interesting and relevant to her, particularly the literature that she is reading. Within the next two weeks, she will begin a literature unit of her choosing. TXVA offers her about 15 different novels from which to choose, with complete on-line lessons available for each novel. She chose Jack London's "White Fang" (can't underline with this blog site), which is no surprise to anyone who knows her.

Her most interesting academic discovery is Shakespeare! TXVA sent her an abridged version of "Twelfth Night." She fell in love with the language and humor! What an amazing 12-year old we have!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Cats in Ancient Egypt - PowerPoint Presentation

J is hoping to present this to some 1st grade students when they are studying about Ancient Egypt this spring.  She created it completely by herself, did the research, and found a National Geographic Video to include.  Watch this to learn about how cats were mummified. The presentation is animated when shown as a slideshow in PowerPoint.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Texas Virtual Academy with K-12 Online...Here We Come!

We just got a call this evening that Julia has a spot at Texas Virtual Academy Southwest, powered by K-12 Online Curriculum, which is very well known for its quality.

We start NEXT WEEK!  It will be interesting to compare their program to what we are doing.  They emphasize that this is NOT homeschooling.  It is a public charter school that has attendance requirements, TAKS testing in the spring, checking in frequently with a Texas certified teacher, etc.

The nice thing is...if we don't like it, we can go back to our own homeschooling!  I have a feeling we'll be doing their curriculum and our own fabulous projects anyway, but we'll see how it goes.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Liger Article Based on the Style of National Geographic Kids

Ligers: Hybrids and the Ultimate Cat
By Homeschool Student, J
                Lions and Tigers and…Ligers? Oh my! Ligers are the most well-known hybrid in the current animal hybrid community. They are larger than a lion or a tiger and have features of both! They are not native to any part of the world, though, as they are bred entirely in captivity. Now, let’s explore what makes these cats so unique.
                Ligers are a cross between a female tiger and a male lion. The lion and tiger did not breed in the wild.  Ligers are created when geneticists artificially breed a female tiger and a male lion together. But what’s the difference between a liger and a tigon? Tigons are created when geneticists artificially breed a female lioness and a male tiger together. Ligers lack the ferociousness of lions or tigers as they are raised entirely by humans.

A male and a female tigon (cross between a male tiger and a female lion)

                How do ligers stack up against lions and tigers? Well, ligers are much larger than the two. A tiger can jump ten to twelve feet in the air, but a liger gets to that height without its back paws leaving the ground! Ligers haven’t ever been in the wild, and their incredible size would be their worst enemy as they would tire more quickly than lions or tigers.  But, ligers do have massive teeth and claws larger than that of a lion or a tiger. Because ligers have never been in the wild, they cannot yet hold the title of ultimate cat.

Size Matters

What Do You Think?
                So what do you think about ligers? They’re bred unnaturally through humans combining big cat DNA! How do you stand on humans creating new, unnatural species of animals? Those animals cannot be released into the wild and cannot reconnect with their wild roots.  Is it wrong to create ligers, tigons, ti-ligers, li-tigons, etc? It’s an ethical preference that varies from person to person.
Wrapping It Up
                Ligers are massive, captivity-only hybrids. They are twice as large as a lion or a tiger, and this size makes it impossible for a liger to survive in the wild and hunt like a regular lion or tiger would. They definitely wouldn’t be able to climb a tree like a leopard without taking down the tree with them. Is it right to artificially breed ligers? It’s your call there, but one thing’s for certain: ligers cannot hold the title of the ultimate big cat…yet.

               But what about ligers vs. leopards? Leopards are the smallest of the three big cats, so how would they do against a liger? Leopards can drag prey weighing more than its own body weight (leopards weigh about 130 pounds) up a tree! Why do they have to do this? Because leopards are the smallest of the three big cats, they need to be able to eat their prey away from the contest: lions and tigers. But could ligers scale a tree? Again, it’s their immense size that limits them from existing well in the wild. And, ligers can weigh 1000 pounds.  That tree couldn’t stand a chance!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Photo and Video from Cat Vet Interview - Thanks, Dr. Weldon!

Dr. Weldon and student at The Cat Hospital in Dallas, TX.

Over The River And Through The Woods To The Cat Vet We Go

Our cats, Mark and Simon, were WAY overdue for a visit to the cat vet. That, and I had a few interview questions for her. So, we went off with the cats in their carriers, Simon making a terrible racket and being a cold wimp, and Mark being as heavy as always. The cats were totally healthy minus Mark's obesity...we got some extra-lite food for him and we'll work on getting him to 14 pounds.
Anyway, Dr. Weldon happily answered my questions. Here they are:
1. J: How long have you been a veterinarian?
Dr. Weldon: 14 years.
2. J: Why did you want to become a veterinarian?
Dr. Weldon: I have always loved animals and have always wanted to help them.
3. J: Although you could treat any other animals, why did you decide to only treat cats?
Dr. Weldon: Cats are my favorite animal, and I've had other animals but have preferred cats.
4. J: What college did you graduate from?
Dr. Weldon: Louisiana State University (LSU).
5. J: What's the strangest cat illness/injury you have treated?
Dr. Weldon: A cat caught in the fan belt of a car, and I have two cats who were born without the very edge of their eyelids.
6. J: How many cats have you had at the office (your cats) and/or at the at home at one time?
Dr Weldon: I normally have 6 cats at home, and I have one very shy office cat.
7. What's the busiest time of year for you?
Dr. Weldon: Springtime. The cats sometimes get fleas, and some cats suffer from allergies. Also, the males get in fights over mating.
8. How old is the oldest cat you have treated?
Dr. Weldon: 27 years old.
9. Do you believe in declawing?
Dr. Weldon: No. There's a 1 in 5 complication rate, it's basically like cutting off the last bit of your fingers...and cats that are declawed tend not to use the litter box.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Consulting with an Engineer

Julia met with our friend, Mr. Dyer, who is an engineer for the food/restaurant industry.  She presented her cat tree 2:1 scaled model to him, along with her pencil designs and Google Sketch-Up 3-D CAD ( - FREE download) design on her laptop.  They discussed some design ideas, sketched out some ideas for attachment strategies (flanges, screws, where to drill holes, different angling options, support ideas with wedges, etc.)  Special thanks to Mr. Dyer for taking time to go over Julia's project with her!

Next stop...Home Depot!  Julia will make a list with estimated costs.  We will also use the expertise of the Home Depot employees as we continue with this project.

Texas Virtual Academy K-12 On-line

We are on the waitlist for Texas Virtual Academy Southwest.  It's a virtual public charter school that is free and powered by K-12 On-line. Students are still responsible for taking the TAKS test at a local testing site.  They check in with a certified teacher on a regular basis.  About 30% of their work is done on-line.  The rest of the curriculum and all related materials, including science materials, textbooks, etc. are sent to your home free of charge.  There are "attendance requirements" just like for public school.  One advantage is that students can move faster in subjects that are their strengths and work as needed, with more support, in subjects that require extra support.

To find out more about how the program works from a practial standpoint, Julia and I attended a social event at a local Bounce U (bounce house place) on Friday.  Attendance was quite good and I was able to chat with quite a few moms about how the program is working for them so far.  I remain quite positive about participating with TVA.  However, if we don't receive a spot by February, then we have to reapply for 7th grade, which is fine with me.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Check out our girl vacuuming! The joys of homeschooling!  Oh, to actually have time to vacuum!  :-)

2:1 Scaled Model of "Cat Tree"

Everything is to scale, except for the arms, but we think they will be 8"x20"x1" in real life.  Also, the circles will be made of wood to hold circular cat beds.  We estimate they will actually be 16"-20" in diameter.  We will see if Bob has a saw that he can help us with in order to make circular cuts.

Second Attempt Sketch of "Cat Tree"

There has been one major modification from this design.  Instead of trying to put a hollow into the pillar, we are just putting a soft bed on the very top.

Engineering Advice

We will be making an appointment with an engineer to present the model and to see if he has any advice.

Integrated Learning, Project-Based Learning or Student-Directed Learning? How about all of the above with guidance and support?

As a 16-year veteran teacher, in both public and independent schools, of elementary school, bilingual students, autistic students, middle school Spanish, middle school ESOL, pre-kindergarten, elementary Spanish, and, most recently, a Technology Specialist, I suddenly find myself homeschooling my 12 year-old 6th grader!  We are having a blast, but I can't help questioning all that we are doing, in spite of my knowledge, experience and gut instinct.

Why is that?

Well, that is what great teachers do every day.  Great teachers never know it all, have never learned it all, and constantly strive to meet their students' needs in a way that suits the STUDENTS best.  I just currently have the amazing luxury of getting to concentrate on one student right now, with complete freedom!

However, this homeschooling business is all new to me, so I am researching all there is to know about this process, support groups, field trips, local programs, etc.

We started our process off by examining her own interests and having her make a list of topics she wants to study (no more than 7).  She started with her favorite, "Cats," as if she doesn't know enough about them already.  So, we are taking this topic to her 6th grade and beyond capabilities by brainstorming learning/academic activities and projects that will help increase her knowledge and understanding.

Ideas so far: 
  1. Read Bluestar's Prophecy from The Warriors series by Erin Hunter with the goal of doing a character study of the main character, investigating what traits help her to become a great leader from the time she is a kitten until she becomes clan leader.  We will also compare how clan life is presented in the story to past and present human life and society.  Final product will be an essay on the essential qualities of leadership as demonstrated by Bluestar.
  2. Learn about Big Cats, their anatomy, how it helps them to hunt and to survive, comparing this to domestic cats.
  3. Interview our Cat Hospital vet about her job, it's difficulties, how she decided to become a vet, etc.
  4. Sketch the skeleton of a domestic cat and compare to the human skeleton.
  5. Study the format and literary style of National Geographic Kids articles in order to write a comparable informational article on big cats for a similar target audience.
  6. Watch National Geographic Wild program on the similarities and difference of lions, tigers, leopards, and ligers (do they really exist) with note-taking sheet, Venn diagram, and to use as a source for the information article.
  7. Learn about cats in ancient Egypt, their importance, mummification, legends, gods in order to create a PowerPoint presentation for local 1st grade students who are studying Egypt in the spring.
  8. Design on paper, with CAD 3-D software, a 2:1 ratio to-scale model, and a final usable "Cat Tree" for our own domestic cats.  Confer with an engineer on the design for suggestions before beginning final product.  Estimating costs of products and comparing to actual costs, measuring for and creating a 2:1 ratio styrofoam model, measuring for and creating the actual wooden cat tree. (STEM-science, technology, engineering, math)
  9. We are also investigating the possibility of visiting a big cat sanctuary, or at least trying to find something special at a local zoo.
In addition, we are using an on-line academic support software called Time4Learning to teach and reinforce 6th and 7th grade math skills, 7th grade language arts skills, 6th grade social studies skills (World History), 6th grade science skills, and art history and skills.

What about P.E. and music?  She is continuing with her individual piano lessons, group piano lessons, group music theory lessons at The Suzuki Music Institute of Dallas, takes swimming lessons once a week, and will do other home and neighborhood based physical activities.  We are also looking for a home church where she can continue with her intense interest in choir (she particularly like Renaissance choral music and Celtic music...very interesting).

Sounds pretty cool, right?  So why I am I also still looking at schools for her?  Well, because this is all new to us.  School is what we know.  Maybe she will integrate back into an independent or public school for high school?  Maybe not...